
Articles Posted in Insurance Claims


How Are Medical Bills Paid After An Accident?

Being involved in an accident is scary. Often, you will need to seek medical treatment for your injuries after the accident and the medical bills to treat your injuries can quickly add up. You may even consider putting off medical treatment until you figure out how your medical bills will…


Why Do I Need to Notify My Insurance When I Wasn’t at Fault?

Often, our clients ask why they need to notify their insurance company of the motor vehicle accident when they weren’t at fault. They are concerned that notifying their insurance company of the collision will raise their insurance rates and negatively impact them in the future. Even if you weren’t at…


Accidents Caused by Lost or Falling Cargo

Every vehicle has experienced the occasional rock or road debris striking their windshield. While the resulting damage is usually minor and covered by auto insurance, what happens when you encounter a dangerous road hazard such as fallen semi-truck cargo? If the cargo in a commercial truck is not properly loaded…


The Dangers of Hungover Driving

We all know the dangers of drinking and driving. But what about getting behind the wheel the morning after a night of heavy drinking? The average person can break down a single unit of alcohol — a 12-ounce beer, 5 ounces of wine or a 1.5-ounce shot — in about…


How Does an Insurance Company Evaluate My Car Accident Claim?

If you or a loved one has suffered a personal injury, it is important to know how the insurance company is going to evaluate your claim. Long gone are the days of a skilled insurance adjuster pouring through your records. Nowadays, most insurance companies use a software program, called Colossus,…


Could Police Begin Spying on Drivers Suspected of Texting Here in Naperville and Surrounding DuPage County?

As a car accident lawyer, I am always looking at what makes us less safe on the road. At the top of this list is distracted driving. In Illinois, drivers are generally allowed to use cell phones, but are prohibited from using cell phones, hand held or otherwise, when driving…


Illinois Car Accident Law Update: New Statutory Limits Will Allow More Uninsured Motorist Arbitration Awards to Become Binding

Every day, Illinois drivers are injured in motor vehicle accidents with hit-and-run drivers or drivers who are uninsured or underinsured. In 2012, over 13% of Illinois drivers were uninsured, and the increasing number of uninsured and underinsured drivers nationwide only underscores the importance of having uninsured motorist coverage for the…


DuPage County Personal Injury Lawyers: Rental Cars: When is a “Substitute Vehicle” Covered by YOUR Illinois Insurance policy?

Rental car insurance is confusing. Before you rent, it is important to know if your insurance provides coverage for the rented vehicle, and under what circumstances that coverage may be limited. The answers to these questions may depend on the language of your own automobile insurance policy concerning “substitute vehicles.”…

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